Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Is Bottled Water A Good Idea?"

As I was looking through an Upfront article, I saw a page discussing whether bottled water was a good idea. I was astounded after reading the page. They had a column that said that it was a good idea and there was another column that said that it was a bad idea. First, I will summarize what each side said and then I will give my opinion of the question.

The article talks about the good of bottled water as healthy and convenient. It says that sales of bottled water has tripled in the past 10 years, showing that bottled water is growing in popularity in the US. It also states that replacing sugary drinks for bottled water can eliminate more than 50,000 calories per year. Also bottled water has better environmental benefits than other bottled drinks. Therefore, since bottled water is popular, healthy, and environmentally beneficial, it is a good idea to have bottled water. 

The articles also talks about the bad of bottled water; for example, it not having great health benefits, consuming lots of resources, and economically expensive. Though water bottle companies say that bottled water is healthier, tap water has to be tested frequently on its quality. Also, transporting bottled water is not efficient. It also states that bottled water uses a lot of plastic and consumes lots of oil. Finally, water bottle companies earn $12 billion dollars per year, but that money could be used to improve tap water quality. Therefore, the idea of bottled water is not good. 

I think that bottled water is not a good ides, because it isn't too much healthier than tap water. Also, bottled water is 1,000 times more expensive than tap water. It also has bad impacts on the environment and consumes a lot of oil and resources. Again, I think that bottled water is not a great idea for these reasons and many others. If you agree or disagree with me, please feel free to comment below.

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