Sunday, January 26, 2014

Rick Riordan vs. J.K. Rowling

Well, I have read the most popular series by both these authors. I read Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series and J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Both of them have a lot of similarities as I have shown in my last post; however, I have not shared my opinion on whose writing best connects and intrigues me.

My opinion is probably contradicting conformity. But first, I'd like to acknowledge that both the authors are fantastic authors and are special in their own way. But the author that most intrigues and fascinates me would be Rick Riordan. Now, I am not saying that the Harry Potter series is not amazing, but I am saying that the Percy Jackson series is more engaging and appealing for me. Now, I have several reasons for my decision. 

First off, Rick Riordan's incorporation of Greek mythology just shows how creative the author is. I know that J.K. Rowling is very creative, but she uses a lot more of imagination while Rick Riordan uses more of mythology. Even with a more limited amount of options with Greek mythology to incorporate in the Percy Jackson series than fictional magic in the Harry Potter series, Rick Riordan engages and teaches the reader Greek mythology which in my perspective is quite amazing.

Second, Rick Riordan makes the main character of the series, Percy, have several different characteristics. One being quite stubborn; however at the same time he is exceptionally caring. Yes, those two characteristics do not go hand in hand, but he somehow manages both traits. He never listens to anyone unless it involves hurting innocent people. Another trait that he can demonstrate is humorous. At the same time though, he can be quite serious and courageous. Finally he is simply heroic- now that statement is valid throughout the series. On the other hand, Harry demonstrates all these traits; however, I kind of imagine him to be more serious and stern than Percy and not have that much of a humorous aspect of him. Well, that's my opinion on Harry- your's might be different.

Finally, Rick Riordan just stirs up the story with several plot twists. This is especially true with the prophecies that Riordan includes in each of the books. Though he includes the direction or goal of the story, he makes the prophecies quite tricky to decode. But while reading the story, he constantly makes the reader think about what the prophecy might mean, making us more and more eager to read on. However, in the Harry Potter series, there is nothing really that interesting that J.K. Rowling makes you concentrate on other than how Harry will destroy Voldemort before Voldemort kills him. I do like the plot structure of the Harry Potter series; however, I personally believe that Rick Riordan's structure is more engaging to the reader.

Well, those are my reasons for which series I prefer. If you have any comments on my decision or any questions, please comment below. 


  1. This is actually pretty good as a comparison, and I have also read both series, but who hasn't, at this point? Good job!

  2. Wow, this is really insightfull you have absolutely swayed me in favor of Rick Riordan

  3. Good Post! I can believe what you're saying. Rick Riordan is putting a culture into the book while JK Rowling is using something made up. But a long time ago people did believe in witchcraft, even though it was never true.

    1. Are you out of your freaking mind?!!!! Rick Riordan is the one who used something made up while HP was a phenomenon!

  4. This is a great post, i never thought of comparing the two. I love both authors and their novels. I agree that Rick Riordan has a more engaging structure and I like him just a little bit better. I think this is a topic anyone could realte to, nice job!

  5. I love Riordan his books where inspired by Tolkien and I think they are better writers. In terms of adaptations Harry Potter wins but only the first 3 films is watchable. But Tolkien got LoTr which outclasses Harry Potter because Harry Potter got abysmal sequels do to directors changes.

  6. I love Riordan his books where inspired by Tolkien and I think they are better writers. In terms of adaptations Harry Potter wins but only the first 3 films is watchable. But Tolkien got LoTr which outclasses Harry Potter because Harry Potter got abysmal sequels do to directors changes.
