Sunday, February 2, 2014

Surprise, Surprise

I previously predicted that Phorcys would help the demigods fight against the twin giants. BUT I WAS WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! I underestimated the relationship between Phorcys and Gaea. Since Phorcys didn't help the demigods; it seems as if he still has a touching edge or a somewhat decent relationship with his mother despite the problems between them both. I really like that element that Rick Riordan includes in the book, he makes Phorcy really despise his mother, but at the end of the day, Phorcy still is on her side. This really surprised me and made me realize that the readers who give the biggest surprise tend to become really good authors.

Now, I have revised my prediction on what is going to happen next in the book. I assume that Percy, Jason, and the group will go to Charleston as they planned and meet Bacchus again. I predict that this time though, Bacchus will help the demigods out after he is given the tribute he asked for before. Though Bacchus is asking for tribute to help the demigods, the demigods should be getting a favor for help saving the world. I think that Piper's dream of Bacchus foreshadows that Bacchus has a significant role in their quest. I also think the mention of him here and there kind of foreshadows that. The rest of the predictions that I have made seem to work and hopefully they are true. I am hoping to finish my book soon, so that I can dive into the House of Hades, which might be one of Rick Riordan's best books. I think that in that book, it is going to involve a lot of Hazel and Nico, but still be based around the demigod group.

1 comment:

  1. I have read some of Rick Riordan's other works, and I completely agree that he does a good job of introducing characters and really making the reader think. How have you been enjoying this book, I am thinking of reading it some time.
