Sunday, February 9, 2014


By the title, you might be thinking that this blog will pertain to ghosts- well you are partially right. Yes, this post talks about ghosts; however, not necessarily the scary and supernatural ghosts that everyone thinks about, but the Ghost of Ravenclaw and the ghost in The Mark of Athena.

First things first, the ghost of Ravenclaw from the last book of the Harry Potter series had known a secret about the Ravenclaw diadem, which was lost for hundreds and hundreds of years. She helped Harry find the diadem, which was a Horcrux to defeat Voldemort.And on the other hand, there is the ghost The Mark of Athena. A group of three demigods, Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper are venturing to the White Point Gardens to find out about the ghost who apparently can help them.

Now, this is a straight out prediction, but I think that there is a connection between these events in two separate books, which are very similar as I have mentioned in my earlier posts. I think that Annabeth will find out a secret to help her find the stolen item of Athena. Just like in the case of the lost diadem, the stolen item of Athena will be revealed by the ghost. Though this prediction is not so well supported, I believe that there will be a connection between the last book of the Harry Potter series, The Deathly Hollows, and The Mark of Athena.


  1. I think this book sounds very interesting! I loved the Harry Potter series, so I will probably give this a try. Thanks!

  2. The beginning of this blog is well written. It grabs the readers attention and makes them want to continue to read. I really like how at the end of this post you included what you think might happen.I'm now curious as to what's gonna happen!
